Why wont my lego rock raiders game without administrator
Why wont my lego rock raiders game without administrator

On the upside, I remember that a lot of the local toy shops had a big blow out of the old stock, and my parents bought up enough to keep me in birthday and Christmas presents for several years to come. I even went as far as to write a letter to Lego complaining - and to their credit they wrote a very nice reply telling me that spares packs would be available for another three years and included a copy of #7777 to encourage me to keep building. Added to which the new passenger train looked dull (!) and the new station platform was made up of massive pre-formed pieces rather than 'proper Lego'. To see it replaced with something that was not only completely incompatible, but also vastly inferior in terms of functionality was very upsetting. I had just been getting into collecting the wonderful 12v train system, with its remote control points, remote decoupling, remote level crossing with lights, and working signals.

Why wont my lego rock raiders game without administrator